street food and markets, palermo

The idea was to pop to Palermo for the morning and do the rounds of its three historic markets: Ballarò, il Capo and la Vucciria, eating my way through them, as I sampled the city’s renowned street food. And so it was, half asleep, that I tumbled out of the train after a three-hour journey, to the vibrant buzz of one of my favourite cities. This is Sicily at its most extreme, with breath-taking churches Continue Reading →

the skiver’s pizza – pizza da fannullone

Urban Dictionary offers the following definition of skive: “Doing anything but that which you are supposed to be doing during a specific time frame, e.g., pretending to do something for which you are being paid, such as your job, but instead doing other things (like having a laugh, phoning your friends, hiding from your boss, surfing the internet, playing computer games, having a sly cigarette).” Ok, so I’ve done some, probably all of those things Continue Reading →